50th Blog Articles

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This article was authored by Blake Emerson, Assistant Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law.

This article first appeared in the Regulatory Review's series on "Five Recommendations for Improving Administrative Government" that focuses on the ACUS Recommendations adopted…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

This article was authored by Nicholas Parrillo, Professor of Law at Yale Law School, and Lee Liberman Otis, Senior Vice President and Director of the Federalist Society's Faculty Division.

This article first appeared in the Regulatory Review's series on "Five…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

In the last several sessions of Congress, Members of Congress from both political parties have introduced a large number of bills designed to amend or overhaul certain aspects of the federal administrative state. Among other things, these bills would increase Congressional oversight over…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

Regulators must be mindful of a number of requirements as they seek to issue regulations. These requirements stem from executive orders, statutes, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance. As ACUS has observed in the past, it can be difficult for agency…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

In 1993, following several years of careful research and deliberation, the Conference’s Office of the Chairman adopted the agency’s Model Adjudication Rules (MARs). Crafted by a working group of experts hailing primarily from federal agencies and private law firms, the MARs are model rules of…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

This is a guest post authored by Nicholas Parrillo, a Professor at Yale Law School.  This post is the result of the author’s independent research and does not necessarily represent the views of the…