50th Blog Articles

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The Administrative Conference of the United States is saddened to learn of the recent passing of Fred Emery, founder of The Regulatory Group and a distinguished figure in administrative law. Some of the many people who were touched by his kindness and expertise have shared their…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

In the last three sessions of Congress, Members of Congress from both political parties have introduced a large number of bills designed to amend or overhaul certain aspects of the federal administrative state.  Among other things, these bills would increase Congressional oversight over…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

On July 14, Adam Schlosser (U.S. Chamber of Commerce) and I co-wrote a post for the University of Pennsylvania's RegBlog analyzing the opportunities for international cooperation on science-related regualtions in connection with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).  …