50th Blog Articles

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Our History: Told By You - a 50th Anniversary Blog Post Series

Present at the Re-Creation

People like to say that they were “present at the creation” of something.  I wasn’t present at the creation of the Administrative…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) was established by statute in 1964 as a means of bringing together the best thinking from the public and private sectors to find ways to improve the functioning of federal agency programs.  A full-time staff, currently only 15 people…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

Our History: Told By You - a 50th Anniversary Blog Post Series

Celebrating ACUS’s 50th anniversary happily coincides with a major 40-year milestone for the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the focus of much of my career in Administrative Law…