50th Blog Articles

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Due to the uncertainty of the federal budget, the October 7th, 2013 meeting of the Committee on Judicial Review has been cancelled.  The next meeting of the committee is schedule for October 22.  Should the general shutdown continue, no committee meetings will be held until such…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

Due to the uncertainty of the federal budget and the proximity of the upcoming joint meeting on October 2nd of the Committees on Regulation and Administration & Management, this meeting has been cancelled.  These committees will instead meet in joint session in mid-October.…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

Administrative Conference (ACUS) Chairman Paul Verkuil recently received a request from an English teacher at a high school in Russia.  She explained that her curriculum includes a topic about one of the United States government agencies and she had selected ACUS for her students to study.…