50th Blog Articles

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Co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Administrative Conference of the United States, with the support of the Interagency ADR Working Group (IADRWG) Steering Committee, the March 19 event aims to serve as a forum for successful use of ADR by Federal agencies, generate support…

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The Administrative Conference of the United States is recruiting for a Communications Director. This position will remain open until March 19 and all US Citizens may apply. To learn more about this opportunity, visit the…

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The Administrative Conference of the United States is recruiting for a Communications Director. This position will remain open until March 19 and all US Citizens may apply. Interested candidates should apply on the

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On Tuesday, February 28, 2012, Administrative Conference Chairman Paul R. Verkuil and Attorney Advisor Reeve T. Bull offered a presentation to the Public Health Division Training Committee of the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) at its…

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Charles Koch, longtime Faculty member at William and Mary Law School and an important consultant to ACUS, passed away on February 18th. The Conference would like to acknowledge his friendship and service. - Paul Verkuil Mr. Koch consulted on the following projects:


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On September 22, 2011, the Administrative Conference and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) co-hosted a workshop on promising agency practices to ensure that individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP individuals) have meaningful access to administrative hearings and proceedings…

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The Administrative Conference is seeking a consultant to undertake a research project that will consider ways that agencies have used privately funded third parties to conduct inspections, verify compliance with regulatory requirements, or meet other standards. Proposals are due by close of…

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The Assembly of the Administrative Conference of the United States adopted four recommendations regarding Incorporation By Reference, International Regulatory Cooperation, FACA - Issues and Proposed Reforms, and Agency Innovations in E-Rulemaking. The final recommendations are now available…

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With the help of an energetic and engaged membership, the Administrative Conference completed a successful plenary session on December 8-9, 2011. An important aspect of the event was the presentation of the first Walter Gellhorn Innovation Award. Congratulations again to the Office of the…

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On Thursday, November 17, 2011, the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice of the American Bar Association celebrated the twelve Administrative Conference of the United…