50th Blog Articles

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The Assembly of the Administrative Conference of the United States today adopted two recommendations regarding FACA and Agency Innovations in Rulemaking. Review the debate and discussion on Twitter: www.twitter.com/acusgov #acusrecs. The Federal Advisory Committee Act — Innovations and Reform:…

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The Assembly of the Administrative Conference of the United States yesterday adopted two recommendations regarding Incorporation By Reference and International Regulatory Cooperation. Follow ongoing recommendation progress on Twitter: www.twitter.com/…

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Thomasina V. Rogers, Preeta Bansal and Boris Bershteyn were sworn in today at the 55th Plenary Session of the Administrative Conference of the United States. Ms. Rogers, Chairman of the Occupational Health and Safety Review Commission, will serve as the Vice Chair of the…

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The Administrative Conference of the United States seeks proposals by potential consultants for a study of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act.

Proposals must be submitted by 6:00 pm EST on December 14, 2011 to Jonathan R. Siegel, Director…

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Senior Fellow Malcolm Mason died peacefully at his home on November 1, 2011 at the age of 101.  Mr. Mason served the Administrative Conference for nearly 30 years as a member and a senior fellow. His expertise and devotion to the Conference's mission of making government work better was…

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ACUS has implemented an internet forum, or message board, on its website at www.acus.gov/forum to conduct moderated, online virtual meetings. We are committed to sharing ideas, engaging the public, and providing an intuitive online meeting platform for committee meetings. This online discussion…