50th Blog Articles

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Susan Dudley, Director of The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center and Administrative Conference Public Member, responded to the January 18 …

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The Administrative Conference welcomes federal employees who are interested in joining ACUS for 4-6 month details as Staff Attorney/Analysts. Click here to learn more. The Administrative Conference…

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Procedural rules are an important part of litigation.  They protect litigants' interests and further the cause of justice.  But sometimes, mistakes are made, and procedural rules fail to live up to their promise.  In such cases, procedural rules can keep people from getting their…

Submitted by {field_user_long_name} on {created}

On January 11, the Administrative Conference published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would implement the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.  Public comments will be accepted through February 10, 2011 via …

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Administrative Conference adopts its first recommendation. Recommendation 2010-1 was approved at last week's plenary session with minor amendments. Click here for the final version of the…

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Read Professor Sharkey's report on Federal Agency Preemption of State Law by visiting our Research Page > Current Projects > Regulatory Preemption or by simply visiting this…

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At noon on December 1, Cynthia Farina, Cornell University Professor, will speak at the noontime lecture series, hosted by the Office of the Federal Register and the National Archives and Records Administration.  This is the fourth in OFR's series of 75th anniversary programs, the…