The Assembly of the Administrative Conference of the United States yesterday adopted two recommendations regarding Incorporation By Reference and International Regulatory Cooperation. Follow ongoing recommendation progress on Twitter: #acusrecs. Incorporation by Reference: This recommendation concerns issues that arise when an agency incorporates by reference material published elsewhere, such as standards adopted by standard setting organizations. The recommendation includes identifying practices to promote public availability of the incorporated materials and procedural steps to be followed when incorporating by reference.

  • Inquiries may be referred to ACUS in-house researcher, Emily Bremer, at

International Regulatory Cooperation: This recommendation, which updates Conference Recommendation 91-1, considers cooperation between agencies and foreign authorities. It recommends a variety of steps that U.S. agencies can take to promote their missions while cooperating with foreign authorities; and, where it can be done with no detriment to their missions, urges reduction in barriers to trade that can arise from differences between U.S. and foreign regulatory regimes.

  • Inquiries may be referred to ACUS Staff Counsel, Reeve Bull, at


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