Megan Kindelan
Communications Director
202 . 480 . 2091
The 57th Plenary Session of the Administrative Conference of the United States will be held next week. During the session, Conference Chairman Paul R. Verkuil and the Conference Assembly, which includes agency heads, general counsels, attorneys, public interest advocates, and academics, will consider and vote on three recommendations:
- The Need to Reform 28 U.S.C. § 1500
- Third-Party Programs to Assess Regulatory Compliance
- Inflation Adjustment for Civil Penalties
Twice a year, the full membership of the Administrative Conference meets in plenary session and debates and votes on recommendations received from Conference committees.
December 6-7, 2012
- Thursday, December 6: 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Friday, December 7: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20581
Main Conference Room
There will be a live webcast of the Plenary Session, accessible at
Please RSVP by 2 p.m. Wednesday, December 5th, to Megan Kindelan at 202.480.2091 or For more information on the proposed recommendations and to view the agenda, please visit the 57th plenary session event page.
About ACUS
The Administrative Conference of the United States is an independent federal agency dedicated to improving the administrative process through consensus-driven applied research, providing nonpartisan expert advice and recommendations for improvement of federal agency procedures. Its membership is composed of innovative federal officials and experts with diverse views and backgrounds from both the private sector and academia.
The Conference is committed to promoting effective public participation and efficiency in the rulemaking process by leveraging interactive technologies and encouraging open communication with the public as well as making improvements to the regulatory process by reducing unnecessary litigation, and improving the use of science and the effectiveness of applicable laws. Learn more at
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