News from ACUS (March 2024)
This new monthly newsletter provides a roundup of recent, ongoing, and upcoming initiatives from the Administrative Conference of the United States. Sign up here to get the newsletter delivered to your inbox each month.
In this issue:
- Visit ACUS's new and improved website.
- Discover what projects ACUS committees are considering this spring.
- Learn about how ACUS is developing model agency rules for representative conduct.
- Listen to the newest episode of Between the Lines.
New Website
If you've visited recently, you may have noticed we have a new website. The website offers enhanced design and functionality including:
- Subscriptions. In addition to the monthly ACUS Newsletter, sign up to get monthly Adjudication Updates and weekly Legislative Updates delivered to your inbox.
- Topics. Topics pages make it easy to discover ACUS resources related to adjudication, guidance, judicial review, rulemaking, and other topics.
- Resources. Resources pages provide easy access to recommendations, reports, reference guides, model rules, and other resources.
Ongoing Committee Projects
ACUS committees are considering four projects this spring. Committee meetings will be posted to the calendar on
Click here to learn more about all four projects.
Choice of Forum for Judicial Review of Agency Rules
The Committee on Judicial Review is developing proposed recommendations to help Congress determine the appropriate forum and venue for judicial review of agency rules.
Congressional Constituent Service Inquiries
The Committee on Administration & Management is developing proposed recommendations to help agencies receive, process, and respond to congressional inquiries made on behalf of constituents who need assistance accessing federal programs or navigating administrative processes.
Individualized Guidance
The Committee on Administration & Management is developing proposed recommendations to help agencies receive, process, and respond to congressional inquiries made on behalf of constituents who need assistance accessing federal programs or navigating administrative processes.
Participation of Senate-Confirmed Officials in Administrative Adjudication
The Committee on Administration & Management is developing proposed recommendations to help agencies receive, process, and respond to congressional inquiries made on behalf of constituents who need assistance accessing federal programs or navigating administrative processes.
Model Rules of Representative Conduct
In 2021, ACUS members asked the Chair to convene a working group to develop model rules that agencies could use to develop or improve regulations governing the conduct of representatives in agency adjudications.
Following subcommittee meetings over the last year, the working group is now in the final stages of developing the model rules. The full working group met on March 6 and will meet again on March 27. Final rules are expected this summer. The working group is chaired by Federal Maritime Commission Chief Administrative Law Judge Erin Wirth and includes 17 public- and private-sector representatives. ACUS Public Member Louis Virelli serves as the working group's reporter.
Click here to learn more.
Between the Lines
In the newest episode of ACUS's podcast, Chair Andrew Fois explores two important cases before the Supreme Court this term: SEC v. Jarkesy and Corner Post v. Federal Reserve. Chair Fois is joined by ACUS Public Member Kate Shaw and ACUS Senior Fellow Christopher Walker.
Click here to listen now.
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