Committee on Adjudication

The Committee on Adjudication examines procedural issues relating to how agencies handle cases that come before them, including issues arising in programs with very large caseloads.

Committee Meetings & Events

Committee on Adjudication Meeting #2 (Precedential Decision Making in Agency Adjudication)

Location name
ACUS will be hosting this committee meeting remotely. Members of the public interested in participating should contact Matthew Gluth at and to RSVP and request attendance information.

Committee on Adjudication Meeting #2 (Best Practices for Adjudication Not Involving an Evidentiary Hearing)


Committee Research Projects

No projects found.

Stage: 5. Committee consideration

This project explores agencies’ use of administrative judges (AJs), who preside over hearings outside of those governed by the Administrative Procedure Act. It studies the use of AJs across… Read more »