US Chamber of Commerce
1615 H Street NW
Washington, DC, 20062
Washington, DC, 20062
Going Global – The Case for U.S. Regulatory Leadership on Trade and Enforcement
Register HERE.
Download PDF for Event here.
8:30AM: Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00AM: Welcome Panel I: Exploring the International Role, Responsibility, and Coordination of Regulatory Agencies
- Paul R. Verkuil, Chairman, Administrative Conference of the United States
- C. Boyden Gray, Founding Partner, Gray & Schmitz, Former Ambassador to the EU, Former White House Counsel
- Michael Fitzpatrick, Associate Administrator, OIRA, OMB
- Dan Price, Senior Partner, Sidley Austin, Former Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs Former Deputy Director for International, NEC
Panel II: Perspective of Regulators & Industry Global Enforcement Challenges Panel II Perspective of Regulators & Industry
- Mindel De La Torre, Chief, International Bureau, FCC
- Steve Wood, Assistant Chief Counsel for Vehicle Rulemaking & Harmonization NHTSA
- Jeff Weiss, Senior Director, Technical Barriers to Trade, USTR
- Ralph Carter, Managing Director, Legal, Trade & International Affairs, FedEx
- Michael Walls, Vice President Regulatory & Technical Affairs American Chemistry Council
12:00PM: Adjourn
For inquiries or further information contact grc@uschamber.com.