ACUS has released its newest Information Interchange Bulletin: Agency Bid Protests. The Bulletin provides a high-level overview of the three venues in which federal contractors may file bid protests—the agency awarding a contract, the Government Accountability Office, and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims—including the process and relief available in each.
ACUS will soon consider best practices for conducting agency-level bid protests in the project Government Contract Bid Protests Before Agencies. A draft report on the subject by George Washington University Law Professor Christopher R. Yukins is now available.
ACUS’s Office of the Chairman releases a new Information Interchange Bulletin each month. Previous Bulletins have covered recusal rules for agency adjudicators (here), acting officials under the Vacancies Act (here), and what information agencies must publish in the Federal Register (here) and on their websites (here). All past and future Bulletins are available on our dedicated Information Interchange Bulletin webpage.
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