ACUS Welcomes New Chairman Andrew Fois

Contact: Harry M. Seidman

ACUS Welcomes New Chairman Andrew Fois

Washington, D.C., May 31, 2022 – The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) is pleased to welcome Andrew Fois as the agency’s new Chairman. President Biden nominated Chairman Fois for the role on August 9, 2021, and the Senate confirmed his nomination on May 26.

“ACUS has a well-earned reputation for making valuable recommendations on ways to strengthen administrative law and improve the operations of the regulatory process.  I am honored and happy to lead this fine organization.  My thanks to the President for nominating me, the Senate for confirming me, and Vice Chairman Matt Wiener for serving as Acting Chair.”

Chairman Fois is an attorney with an almost forty-year legal career in public service, the non-profit sector, and private practice. Prior to joining ACUS, he served as an Attorney Advisor in the Office of Legislative Affairs at the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. He previously served in the Office of the Attorney General for Washington, D.C. as Deputy Attorney General for Public Safety, in the U.S. Department of Justice as Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs and Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, and as Chief Counsel of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime.

The ACUS Chairman, appointed for a five-year term, serves as the agency’s chief executive and presides at plenary sessions and meetings of the ACUS Council. For more information, see

About ACUS

The Administrative Conference of the United States is an independent federal agency dedicated to improving the administrative process through consensus-driven applied research and providing nonpartisan expert advice and recommendations for federal agency procedures. Its membership is composed of senior federal officials, academics, and other experts from the private sector. Except for the Chairman, all Conference Members are unpaid.

The Conference is committed to promoting effective public participation and efficiency in the rulemaking process by leveraging interactive technologies and encouraging open communication with the public as well as making improvements to the regulatory process by reducing unnecessary litigation, and improving the use of science and the effectiveness of applicable laws.

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