With the help of an energetic and engaged membership, the Administrative Conference completed a successful plenary session on December 8-9, 2011. An important aspect of the event was the presentation of the first Walter Gellhorn Innovation Award. Congratulations again to the Office of the Federal Register, first recipient of the Walter Gellhorn Innovation Award and to NTIA and OSHA (Honorable Mentions). We hope that agencies will continue to submit their best practices and success stories for this important initiative starting next year. The Office of the Federal Register, in cooperation with the Government Printing Office, provides bulk access to the source code of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations. The value in this effort includes making data available in bulk so others may use it, working collaboratively with the community and encouraging innovation, and making source code for a government website available so other agencies and non-governmental organizations can make customized versions. Please visit OFR's blog to learn more, or visit the Know How Blog on the Model Agency Best Practices site.
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