Compilation of Regulatory Reform Legislation

Members of Congress have introduced bills designed to amend or overhaul aspects of federal administrative procedure. Given the significance of these proposed reforms and the number of bills introduced, the Office of the Chair has compiled these bills as an easy reference for congressional staff and other practitioners in the administrative law space. These publications are prepared by Office of the Chair staff with the assistance of ACUS interns (whose names appear at the top of the document). The Office of the Chair intends to publish a new version of this resource at the end of each session of Congress.

These documents are intended only for informational purposes, and the Office of the Chair makes no representation concerning its accuracy or completeness. In addition, the Office of the Chair takes no position on the merits of the bills described. Please contact Conrad Dryland (, Attorney Advisor & Special Counsel to the Chair, with any recommended additions or changes to the memorandum.


Staff Counsel

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