This article was authored by Darrell White, ACUS Legal Intern.
At the 71st Plenary Session on June 13, the Administrative Conference of the United States heard from renowned scholars on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the federal administrative process.
The Conference heard first from Cary Coglianese, the Edward B. Shils Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania, who presented some of his work related to governmental uses of AI. Professor Coglianese discussed some of the legal issues agencies might have to contend with as they adopt AI-based technologies, including due process, delegation of power, and equal protection. Professor Coglianese also foreshadowed arguments agencies could put forward to overcome any such challenges.
From there, Stanford Law Professors David Freeman Engstrom and Daniel Ho, and New York University Law Professor Catherine M. Sharkey discussed research they, along with California Supreme Court Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, are leading for the Office of the Chairman. The presentation highlighted current uses of AI in enforcement, adjudication, and rulemaking, and discussed how agencies can lay the groundwork to deploy these technologies successfully.
The team’s report will likely be available later in 2019. Learn more about ACUS’s AI initiatives in our November 2018 press release and on the project’s homepage here.
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