Federal Administrative Adjudication Database

The Administrative Conference undertook a project to map the contours of the federal administrative adjudicatory process, including both “formal” adjudication conducted under the Administrative Procedure Act and “informal” adjudication. There was no single, up-to-date resource that painted a comprehensive picture of agency adjudications across the federal government. This study aimed to fill the knowledge gap by:

  • exploring the wide variety of agency adjudicatory schemes across the federal government and their related rules of practice and case management techniques;

  • cataloging the types of matters handled by formal and informal adjudication respectively;

  • describing the federal administrative judiciary, including administrative law judges and other types of hearing and appellate officers; and

  • collecting agency caseload statistics and other empirical data. 

The study's findings are available in a public database. This database serves as a unique resource for members of Congress and their staffs, agency officials, federal judges, and the general public.

