Statement of Principles for Public Engagement in Agency Rulemaking

ACUS has adopted dozens of recommendations to help agencies efficiently, equitably, and effectively provide opportunities for public input and dialogue when they issue, amend, and repeal rules. These recommendations identify principles and best practices for effective public engagement. They also recognize that there is no single approach to public engagement that will work for every agency in every rulemaking. To engage with the public efficiently, equitably, and effectively, agencies must consider a range of factors, including the complexity of a rule, the impact of a rule, the people likely to be affected by a rule, and available resources. The ACUS Office of the Chair prepared this Statement of Principles to concisely describe principles and best practices identified in recommendations adopted by ACUS. The Office of the Chair will update this Statement from time to time as ACUS adopts new recommendations that address public participation in agency rulemaking.


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