Artificial Intelligence in Federal Agencies

Artificial intelligence (AI) has a growing role in federal agency adjudication, rulemaking, and other regulatory activities. In 2020, ACUS's Office of Chair commissioned a report, Government by Algorithm, prepared by a team of researchers at Stanford University Law School and New York University (NYU) School of Law.

The report consists of multiple parts. The first part maps how federal agencies are currently using AI to make and support decisions. A second, related part extends this map by using a sophisticated grasp of AI techniques to highlight promising potential uses of AI in federal agencies. The final part addresses how these uses of AI implicate core administrative law doctrines, such as the nondelegation doctrine, arbitrary-and-capricious review, due process, and rules governing reliance on subordinates for decisions.

For a list of other ACUS AI-related initiatives, please see ACUS's AI page.

Recommended Citation: David Freeman Engstrom, Daniel E. Ho, Catherine M. Sharkey & Mariano-Florentino CuĂ©llar, Government by Algorithm: Artificial Intelligence in Federal Administrative Agencies (Feb. 2020) (report to the Admin. Conf. of the U.S.),



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