Roundtable on State Administrative Procedural Practices

The administrative procedural practices of state and local governments might provide helpful lessons for federal agencies. ACUS is soliciting information about state- and local-government practices that federal agencies may wish to consider and could feasibly adopt. Examples may include:

  • State-agency processes for periodic retrospective review of regulations;
  • Policies on ex parte communications in rulemaking;
  • Initiatives to expand representation of parties or assist self-represented parties in administrative adjudication; or
  • Pioneering uses of technology to manage workloads, promote transparency, or enhance public participation.

The Office of the Chair will, on an ongoing basis, identify and share relevant procedural practices with federal agencies. ACUS may also periodically convene meetings on specific topics of interest to federal officials. 

The Roundtable is co-chaired by Kate Todd (Ellis George Cipollone) and Prof. Maria Ponomarenko (UT-Austin School of Law).

Please contact Benjamin Birkhill ( for more information about the program or to submit state- and local-government practices that may be relevant to federal administrative procedure.


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