Artificial Intelligence

AI Use by ACUS

Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-24-10, Advancing Governance, Innovation, and Risk Management for Agency Use of Artificial Intelligence, requires each agency to post publicly on its website either a plan to achieve consistency with the memorandum or a written determination that the agency does not use and does not anticipate using "covered artificial intelligence" (a term defined in the memorandum). Following an agency-wide review, ACUS has not identified any uses of covered artificial intelligence and does not anticipate using covered artificial intelligence. [Last Updated: September 10, 2024]

AI Use by Agencies Other than ACUS

Federal agencies are increasingly considering the role that artificial intelligence (AI)—including machine learning, data analytics, and related technologies—can play in enforcement, adjudication, and other administrative activities. ACUS works with scholars on the forefront of AI research to explore current and potential uses of AI in the administrative process. This research will help agencies take advantage of these new tools in ways consistent with due process and other legal norms.

ACUS has adopted many recommendations and produced many other resources, available below, to help federal agencies consider how they use or might use AI in their administrative processes. ACUS also organizes a Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence in Federal Agencies, which provides a forum for officials representing agencies across the federal government to exchange information and best practices. This page provides access to individual recommendations, reports, and other resources on the subject.