2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20418
Workshop on Improving the Use of Science in the Administrative Process
Sponsored by the National Academies’ Committee on Science, Technology and Law in Collaboration with the Administrative Conference of the United States.
Event Details
This workshop examined current issues relating to science in the administrative process and discussed potential recommendations by the Conference on ways to improve federal agencies’ use and administration of regulatory science. Topics explored included: enhancing the scientific basis of agency decision-making; ensuring the integrity and transparency of science-based regulations; and discussing best practices to promote public access to agency scientific evidence and mechanisms to enhance transparency. This collaborative workshop was an outgrowth of work by the Conference’s Committee on Regulation on the Science in the Administrative Process Project. In March 2011, the Committee on Regulation discussed draft Recommendations aimed at improving science in the administrative process. These Recommendations were based on the draft report by the Conference’s consultant, Prof. Wendy Wagner, entitled, “Use of Science in the Administrative Process: A Study of Federal Agency Decision-Making.” The workshop presented an opportunity for stakeholders, federal agencies, members of the scientific community, and the public to come together to discuss the Conference’s proposed Recommendations and, more generally, to explore other ways to improve the use of science in the administrative process. Visit the Science in the Administrative Process Project Page for more information about this Project.