In a series of posts over the next few weeks, I’ll explore the process federal agencies use to create most federal “rules” or “regulations” (these terms are synonymous) that have the force and effect of law. See …
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Are you an expert in administrative law or regulatory policy seeking support for your work? If so, this may be an opportunity for you!
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How does the ACUS internship process work? Glad you asked! This blog post will take you through the process from start to finish.
To start, what do we look for in an intern? Among other things, we look for academic excellence, as well as coursework, work experience, and/…
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By Samantha Aster, ACUS Legal Intern
Submitted by David M. Pritzker on
I was invited to be the opening speaker at the 2013 Policies and Practices Conference of the American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL), held in Arlington, VA, on March 20. The topic of the presentation was…
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After working for nearly 2 years, the Administrative Conference of the United States is nearing completion of a set of recommendations aimed at improving the use of…
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In light of the winter storm warning for the DC metro area starting tonight, the Adjudication Committee meeting on March 6th has been cancelled. The meeting has been rescheduled for March 12th from 1 – 4 pm.
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ABA Resolution Urges FAR Council to Adopt Model Contract Provisions Proposed in ACUS Recommendation 2011-3
The American Bar Association House of Delegates recently adopted Resolution 110A at its…
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At its mid-year meeting in Dallas last week, the American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates adopted a…
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Congratulations to our colleagues at GPO and the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts! The Judicial Conference has approved national implementation of a successful pilot project to provide free, text-searchable, court opinions…