Recommendation 2021-4, Virtual Hearings in Agency Adjudication – addresses the use of virtual hearings—that is, proceedings in which participants attend remotely using a personal computer or mobile device—in agency adjudications.
Completed projects
Recommendation 2023-2, Virtual Public Engagement in Agency Rulemaking – identifies best practices to promote enhanced transparency, accessibility, and accountability when agencies use virtual tools to host public engagement meetings during the rulemaking process.
The Working Group on Model Materials for Alternative Dispute Resolution is co-led by ACUS and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. The Working Group brings together federal agency officials to develop model agreements, standards, position descriptions, training and educational resources, and other materials that agencies can adapt as needed for use in their own alternative dispute resolution programs.
The Working Group on Self-Represented Parties in Administrative Hearings is co-led by the Administrative Conference and the Department of Justice’s Office for Access to Justice. The working group’s aim is to identify the challenges posed by self-represented parties in administrative hearings and find solutions to common problems.
Working Group on Statutory Drafting: Clarifying Statutory Access to Judicial Review of Agency Action
ACUS Recommendation 2021-5, Clarifying Statutory Access to Judicial Review of Agency Action, identified various ways in which statutes governing judicial review of federal agency rules and adjudicative orders create unnecessary obstacles to or overly complicate the process of judicial review.
ACUS Recommendation 2023-1, Proactive Disclosure of Agency Legal Materials, identifies statutory reforms that, if enacted by Congress, would provide clear standards regarding what legal materials agencies must publish and where agencies must publish them (whether in the Federal Register, on the agency's website, or elsewhere).