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Contact Conrad M. H. Dryland

Conrad M. H. Dryland

Congressional Affairs Liaison / Attorney Advisor

Phone: 202.480.2092

Conrad M. H. Dryland serves as Attorney Advisor & Congressional Affairs Liaison at the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS).

In that role, Mr. Dryland serves as ACUS's liaison to Congress, responsible for, among other things, identifying and briefing agency leadership on relevant congressional activity, providing technical advice and drafting assistance to congressional staff, and engaging with Members of Congress, committees, and their staff to further implementation of ACUS recommendations.

Mr. Dryland comes to ACUS from the Office of Legislative Affairs at the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AOUSC), a judicial branch agency that provides legislative, financial, technology, management, and program support services to the federal judiciary and the Judicial Conference of the United States (JCUS). During his time at the AOUSC, Mr. Dryland's duties included coordinating production, stakeholder review, and transmittal of congressional correspondence, identifying and tracking legislation of interest to the federal judiciary, reporting on congressional hearings and markups, and preparing JCUS witnesses to testify before Congress.

Mr. Dryland earned his J.D. from The George Washington University Law School and his B.A. in Political Science from Dickinson College.