Congress charged ACUS with arranging for the "interchange among administrative agencies of information potentially useful in improving administrative procedure" (5 U.S.C. § 594). As part of this mission, ACUS regularly issues short, one-page Information Interchange Bulletins on discrete topics of administrative procedure. These Bulletins provide useful information for agency officials on legal issues they are likely to encounter as they carry out their work. The topics are often drawn from ACUS reports and recommendations, but they are intended solely to provide valuable information and do not recommend reforms to agency practices.
- IIB-038 - Ex Parte Communications in Informal Rulemaking
- IIB-037 - Temporary Rules
- IIB-036 - The Evidence Act: Title I Basics
- IIB-035 - Administrative Law Judge Basics
- IIB-034 - Distinguishing Between Legislative Rules and Non-Legislative Rules
- IIB-033 - Electronic Case Systems in Agency Adjudication
- IIB-032 - Public Availability of Adjudication Materials
- IIB-031 - Petitions for Rulemaking
- IIB-030 - Agency Use of Artificial Intelligence
- IIB-029 - Procedural Rules for Agency Adjudication
- IIB-028 - Congressional Review Act Basics
- IIB-027 - Government Performance and Results Act Basics
- IIB-026 - Regulatory Analysis Requirements
- IIB-025 - Paperwork Reduction Act Basics
- IIB-024 - Judicial Review of Agency Action
- IIB-023 - Guidance Documents
- IIB-022 - Regulatory Flexibility Act Basics
- IIB-021 - Regulation of Representatives in Agency Adjudicative Proceedings
- IIB-020 - Virtual Hearings in Agency Adjudication
- IIB-019 - Federal Advisory Committee Act Basics
- IIB-018 - Administrative Dispute Resolution Act Basics
- IIB-017 - Government in the Sunshine Act Basics
- IIB-016 - Early Input on Regulatory Alternatives
- IIB-015 - Retrospective Review
- IIB-014 - Notice & Comment Rulemaking
- IIB-013 - Equal Access to Justice Act Basics
- IIB-012 - National Environmental Policy Act Basics
- IIB-011 - Freedom of Information Act Basics
- IIB-010 - Agency Appellate Systems: Standards of Review for Factual Findings
- IIB-009 - Recordkeeping in Informal Rulemaking
- IIB-008 - Incorporation by Reference
- IIB-007 - Agency Bid Protests
- IIB-006 - Agency Attorney Hiring Requirements
- IIB-005 - Disclosure of Critical Factual Material Supporting Proposed Rules (D.C. Circuit)
- IIB-004 - Recusal Rules for Agency Adjudicators
- IIB-003 - Acting Officials Under the Vacancies Act
- IIB-002 - Availability of Information on Agency Websites
- IIB-001 - Federal Register Publication Requirements