Completed projects

Recommendation 2017-3 – Plain Language in Regulatory Drafting identifies tools and techniques agencies have used successfully to write regulatory documents (including rulemaking preambles and guidance documents) using plain language, proposes best practices for agencies in structuring their internal drafting processes, and suggests ways agencies can best use trainings and other informational resources.

Recommendations 2023-1, Proactive Disclosure of Agency Legal Materials – identifies statutory reforms that, if enacted by Congress, would provide clear standards as to what legal materials agencies must publish and where agencies must publish those legal materials (whether in the Federal Register, on the agency's website, or elsewhere).

Recommendation 2015-1 - Promoting Accuracy and Transparency in the Unified Agenda offers proposals for improving the accuracy and transparency of the Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. Among other things, it urges agencies to consider providing relevant updates between Agenda reporting periods, offers recommendations for ensuring that Agenda entries are properly categorized by projecte

Recommendation 2020-2, Protected Materials in Public Rulemaking Dockets  offers agencies best practices for protecting sensitive personal and confidential commercial information in public rulemaking dockets. It identifies, in particular, best practices for agencies to use when redacting, summarizing, and aggregating comments that contain such information.

Recommendation 2021-6, Public Access to Agency Adjudicative Proceedings – identifies best practices regarding when and how federal agencies provide public access to adjudicative proceedings. Within the legal framework established by federal law, it identifies factors agencies should consider when determining whether to open or close particular proceedings.

Recommendation 2022-6, Public Availability of Settlement Agreements in Agency Enforcement Proceedings  – identifies best practices for providing public access to settlement agreements reached during administrative enforcement proceedings without disclosing legally protected materials, consistent with the transparency objectives and privacy considerations of the Freedom of Information Act, Privacy Act, and other r