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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Contact:  Harry M. Seidman 202.480.2085 Social Security Administration Proposed Rule to Expand Video Teleconference Hearings to Reduce Wait Times and Administrative Costs Relies Extensively on ACUS Work The Social Security Administration (SSA)…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Harry M. Seidman 202.480.2085 President Trump Appoints Three New Council Members to the Administrative Conference of the United States WASHINGTON, November 14, 2018 - President Donald J. Trump announced his intention to appoint the following…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Harry M. Seidman Phone: 202. 480. 2085 Email:  Washington, June 18, 2018 - At its 69th Plenary Session on June 14-15, the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) Assembly formally adopted three recommendations that improve…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Harry M. Seidman Phone: 202. 480. 2085 Email:    Administrative Conference Announces Joint Initiative with American Bar Association to Publish Updated Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook The Administrative Conference of the United…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Harry M. Seidman Phone: 202. 480. 2085 Email:    New Bipartisan Law Calls for ACUS Study on Information Sharing Between the Social Security Administration and States Washington, D.C., April 16, 2018 – On Friday April 13, 2018, the President…
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Harry M. Seidman Phone: 202. 480. 2085 Email:    ACUS report informs Social Security Administration (SSA) recommendation to improve Representative Payee (Rep Payee) program Yesterday, the Social Security Advisory Board (SSAB) released…